The Mayor of Casterbridge

The Mayor of Casterbridge

Adaptation of Thomas Hardy's novel.

DramaTV Movie


Explore The Mayor of Casterbridge, the exciting 2003 release that has captivated viewers all across the world. Having received a rating of 7.3 stars, this film is a must-see for those who enjoy this genre. From beginning to end, The Mayor of Casterbridge, which lasts 3h 16min, creates a memorable cinematic experience. This movie has something to offer everyone, regardless of your preference for drama, action, or suspense.

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About The Mayor of Casterbridge

Adaptation of Thomas Hardy's novel. At a country fair, young hay-trusser Michael Henchard quarrels with his wife Susan, and in a drunken fit decides to auction off his wife and baby to a sailor for five guineas. The next day, realising his loss, he swears not to touch liquor again for as many years as he has lived so far. Eighteen years later, Henchard has become Mayor of Casterbridge, a man well respected but not well liked. The unexpected return of his wife and daughter Elizabeth Jane sets off a turn of events that force him to face the consequences of his selfish impulses and violent temper.

Movie Info

Release Date:2003-12-28
Run Time:3h 16min
Director:David Thacker
Writers:Thomas Hardy, Ted Whitehead
Official Website:N/A

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